2nd Balkan Dialogue; Greece & North Macedonia

SEE in Action, Youth Alliance Krusevo, Prespa Agreement Observatory, FNF Greece, Young liberals Greece and Liberalno Demokratska Mladina (LiDEM) as co-organizers, and Balkans in-site as the media sponsor of the event, gathered young people from the two countries for 4 days (25-28/8/2021).
Young people from Greece and North Macedonia engaged in a process of naming the challenges in their home countries and finding solutions, discussing, recommending and presenting, cooperating, and re-thinking.
Academics and experts of the two countries contributed to the discussions as well, highlighting the historical background of the agreement and the long-lasting disputes.
Those experts were: Ioannis Armakolas, Vlasis Vlasidis, Bojan Kordalov, Zoran Ilievski.
The 1st day was dedicated to connection and communications, on the 2nd day, academics elaborated on the Prespa Agreement, and workshops were set in order to work on ideas and solutions to the challenges of the two countries through bilateral cooperation. On the 3rd day, the ideas were improved and drafted in the form of policy recommendations and the last day was the departure.
During those 4 days, young people generated ideas through ceaseless dialogues, set proposals, and built the foundations of the future they envision.

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