19th International youth conference
From 30th of September till the 4th of October, the 19th International Youth Conference took place in Krusevo, North Macedonia. The IYC, had the aim to train and to inform the leaders of tomorrow, the youth, but also to give the European solutions, that our region needs, in order to face all the current problems. Green transition, the difficulties in the labour market, the impacts of Covid-19, nationalism, the democratization and regional transformation and last, but not least, the secure of the European future of the SEE region were some of the topics, that we analysed. “SEE in Action” was invited by Youth Alliance Krusevo to be part of this great event. Anna Bampili (General Coordinator), Alexandros Pavlou (Partnership Development Manager), Aigli Sakelari (Strategic Planner Manager) and Eleni Vasdoka (Youth office Manager), were members of the IPG team (International Preparatory Group) for the structure of the event, the moderating of some sessions, the facilitating of the working groups and the reporting of them.
As the team behind the conference said: We need European solutions, that are translated into practice at the national level, and this conference is a response to the challenge. Policymaking should be a procedure that includes the youth of our region if the decision-makers and the stakeholders want to develop and take into consideration the needs of the 21st century and leave behind the stereotypes and the prejudice of the past. Young people from all the SEE region, Italy, France and Germany, widen their network, exchanged ideas, that we need to follow, in order to change our present.
Members from International and National organizations were participated as speakers, from UNDP, RCC, from ministries -like Bora Muzhaqi, Minister of education, Sports and Youth-, Universities and from CSOs and NGOs from the SEE region and Germany. Citizens, activists, professionals and academians proved that they are engaged in collaborating with the youth, for the youth!