
We are currently working with Youth Alliance Krushevo on the C4CF initiative. The main objective is to create an intergovernmental body – bilateral youth cooperation offices between the Republic of North Macedonia and Greece, which will have a leading role in youth cooperation processes between the two countries in the spirit of reconciliation and building good neighborly relations.

Strengthening Bonds

“Strengthening Bonds between Alienated Nations in the Region: Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia”

Strengthening Bonds between alienated neighbors - 2ND ROUND

Strengthening Bonds between alligned neighbors


Youth Exchange

Erasmus + Opportunities for bilateral youth cooperation

c4CF Events

Youth Exchange

Training Course in Krusevo

2nd Thessaloniki Networking Forum

19th International Youth Conference

19th International Youth Conference

Outdoor Festival

Open discussion with H.E. Ambassador Kate Marie Byrnes

2nd Balkan Dialogue

c4CF Online Events

Gender Equality

Empowering youn women at work

Erasmus + Opportunities for bilateral youth cooperation

Fake news in a pandemic world

Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals

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